I am Jesus Christ: New controversial video game

The new Christian video game “I am Jesus Christ”, is a game based on the New Testament and raises the question: Are you ready to fight with satan in the desert?

The plan of this game is to visualize the story of Jesus from His baptism to His resurrection, giving life to much of the miracles He performed in the New Testament.

“I am Jesus Christ” is described as a game in which you can do several simulations of miracles that Jesus did, for example, walking on the water, expelling demons, healing sick people etc (according to the creators of the game). Let’s see the full description they give us about the game:

“Become Jesus Christ, the famous man on Earth, in this highly realistic simulation game. Pray like Him for super power, perform famous miracles like the one in the Bible, like casting demons, healing and feeding people, resurrection and more on ‘I am Jesus Christ.’

“‘I am Jesus Christ’ is a realistic simulator game inspired by New Testament stories from the Bible. Enter the old days and follow the same path of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. The game covers the period since the Baptism and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Have you ever wondered how to be like Him, one of the most privileged and powerful people in the world?

Check if you can perform all the famous miracles of the Bible like Jesus Christ. It is a simulation game and you can try to save the world as it did. Are you ready to fight with Satan in the desert, exorcise demons and heal the sick? Or calm the storm at sea?

Undoubtedly this is bringing controversies in the Christian world since it is a video game. We are interested to know what you think about this new video game in the comments.


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