Listen to the song “I’ll Fly Away” on psaltery and dulcimer

This beautiful song “I’ll Fly Away” invites us to think about that moment when we will be before God to worship Him for an eternity. If we are truly Christians who love God, we must always think that that day will come, that day when there will be no sadness or pain, where we will be worshiping God for an eternity.

This beautiful and popular song begins by saying: “Some bright morning when this life is done, I’ll fly away to that home on God’s heavenly shore I’ll fly away. I’ll fly away oh glory, I’ll fly away when I die, hallelujah, goodbye, I’ll fly away “When the shadows of this life are gone, I will fly away like a bird that has flown from the prison bars, I will fly away.” These lyrics are undoubtedly the real expression of a Christian weighing the moment he is with God.

Today we want to share this beautiful song with you to the sound of an instrumental on psaltery and dulcimer. Of these two instruments, most probably know the psaltery, but the other does not, so we will briefly tell you what it is the dulcimer:

This is a musical instrument that belongs to the psaltery family and is composed of several metal strings, it is arranged in two groups of two to five strings per note and are distributed along a resonance box, which is shaped flat and trapezoidal in shape:

Dulcimer - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Below is the instrumental, hoping that it will be a blessing to you and let us know in the comments how you thought it:

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