We have read about several revivals throughout the history of Christianity, such as the case of Wales in 1904. After this, we see that this revival reached the most remote places, in this case, eastern India to a tribe known for being very violent.
And here begins the story of a man and his family in that tribe who were able to hear the message of the Gospel and receive Jesus as their Savior. From that moment on, they began to share the message they had received and believed with others in the tribe, which made the chief very angry.
This fury caused him to drag the man and his family before the entire tribe and his demand was simple: “Stop following Jesus.” The man who had believed answered with certainty: “No, I have decided to follow Jesus, I am not turning back.” This response made things worse, as the tribal leader responded by killing the man’s children.
The chief continued to insist that he stop following Jesus, to which the man replied: “Even if no one else follows me, I will follow Him. There is no turning back.” At that very moment, the chief of the tribe ended the life of that brave Christian saying: “Now you will stop following Jesus.”
No doubt that chief thought that everything ended here and this was due to his ignorance, because the Bible declares:
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:25
The words of this brave man who gave his life for Christ later served as inspiration for the composition of this beautiful hymn that has been sung for decades around the world. What did you think of this beautiful story of the hymn “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”? Without a doubt, this should serve as an inspiration to us, knowing that our lives belong to the God of heaven and that we must be willing to give them up to follow Jesus if necessary.