Listen to the song “I’ll Fly Away” on banjo

The Bible says that we are pilgrims and strangers on this earth, therefore, we should not live as if we belong here, because one day we will fly with Christ to the heavenly city, and this is the beautiful promise we have, that one day all pain and illness will end, because we will fly, oh glory! To the city of God, hallelujah!

The song “I’ll Fly Away” talks exactly about this. Part of its lyrics say: “When I pass from this darkness “I will fly like a bird set free, I will fly. How happy it will be to see us there, I will fly. No more death, pain or illness, I will fly.”

Today we want to share with you this great Christian song that is about this heavenly promise as a banjo instrumental, a musical instrument that is not so common, but has an incredible sound. In the comments you can tell us if you have already heard the song or the instrument:

Listen to the song “I’ll Fly Away” on banjo

Listen to the song “My God is real” on piano
Listen to the musical notes found in the Old Testament

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