Almost four hours of instrumental worship music on piano

We cannot allow the long time we have served the Lord to make us think that we do not need a devotional life. The entire Bible urges us to worship the Lord fervently, with new song and praise that exalts the Name of the Lord.

Today we want to share with you a moment of worship of approximately four hours of instrumental music, which you can include in your devotional with the Lord.

Let us remember that music is a very important part, because when Saul was tormented and David played the harp, Saul was relieved. So, we hope that this video is a great blessing for your life and that you can share it with more brothers so that they can accompany their moment of worship with the Lord:

Casi cuatro horas de música instrumental de adoración a piano

Choir of 65 people sings Jerusalem
Listen to the song "Holy, Holy, Holy" a cappella

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