Listen to the song “Holy, Holy, Holy” a cappella

Did you know that the entire Bible tells us about the holiness of God? Even God is so holy that in the Bible the expression “Holy, Holy, Holy” is used, referring only to Him, and when we express about His holiness, it is that there is no evil in Him.
In the same way we find that the entire collection of the book of Psalms speaks to us of the sublime holiness of the Lord and today we want to share with each of you a song titled “Holy, Holy, Holy” a cappella shared by Anthem Lights where in a way sublime exalt the holiness of the Lord and the greatness of his holiness.

So, we hope that the following song is a great blessing to you and don’t forget to share it with someone else and leave us a comment telling us what you thought:

Escucha la canción Santo, Santo, Santo a capella

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