Listen to the song “Goodness of God” on acoustic guitar

“In my life he has been good, in my life he has been so faithful. With my being, with every breath, I will sing of the goodness of God.” Without a doubt, God has done so many good things for us, so many things for which at this very moment we can give thanks, and this leads us to maintain a constant song of gratitude for the goodness of our Lord in our lives.

Our first paragraph is based on the song “Goodness of God”, which tells us exactly how God has been so generous with us, how in our life he has been good, which produces happiness in us regardless of the difficulty in the one we meet.

Today we want to share with you this beautiful song only on guitar, hoping that it will be a great blessing to you. Remember that you can help us by sharing this article with more people:

La bondad de Dios en guitarra

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