Instead of going to the carnival, ten thousand young people worship God

On these dates, carnival is celebrated in some parts of the world, as is the case in Brazil, where one of the most mundane celebrations that can exist is held, since they make fun of Jesus and take sensuality to an extreme where it makes carnival a place not suitable for believers.

While millions of people are celebrating their carnival, the Sara Nossa Terra congregation located in Brasilia has decided to hold the Arena Jovem event, where some 10,000 young people have gathered there to take advantage of these days and deepen their Biblical knowledge.

Diez mil jóvenes prefieren adorar a Dios en vez de ir al carnaval

This activity is carried out every year, exactly on the same date as the carnival in Brazil. It is held every Saturday, either in the congregation or in some secluded place. They explain that the young people who meet there are not interested in anything related to the carnival, but prefer the move of God in their lives.

The Lord’s church does not have to participate in these types of activities where the carnal is clearly promoted. God bless these young people and this powerful feeling.

Listen to Psalm 150 sung in Hebrew
This church has been worshiping God without stopping for almost two weeks

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