TikTokers will go to hell, says pastor

Some preachers have already made a selection of who will go to heaven and who will not. The Bible points us to a group, such as idolaters, fornicators, adulterers, etc. He says that those will not inherit the kingdom of heaven, but a Bolivian pastor has added another group to the list: “Not even Tiktokers will inherit the kingdom of heaven.”

These words were spoken in a sermon, where the pastor made it clear that people who were members of his church could not use TikTok, and if they were not willing to leave that social network, then they should go serve in another church.

The pastor spoke very strongly against those praise ministries that use the platform to upload videos. He also lashed out at parishioners who watch soap operas and those who watch adult content, saying they are going to hell.

This message from the pastor was broadcast on the TikTok social network itself, thus managing to go viral. He himself has had the rejection of many people around the world for the legalistic way in which he expresses himself on this social network. Tell us in the comments what you think about this topic.

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