Kanye West will explain his conversion in Joel Osteen’s church

According to the KHOU 11 news channel, the Lakewood Church that pastors Joel Osteen has confirmed that the famous rapper Kanye West will be in his congregation this Sunday explaining his conversion, where he will meet in the pulpit with Osteen to have a 15-20 minute conversation that promises to be very revealing.Immediately Pastor Osteen has heard that Kanye West has converted to Christianity, he has already established a friendship with the artist, who have talked regularly.

Also that same day, the rapper will perform with his group in the pulpit of Lakewood Church at the 7 o’clock service.

TMZ has pointed out:

«Our sources say that Joel wants his congregation, which has 45,000 people, and his television audience, which has 10 million people in the US alone, listen to how Kanye has overcome a significant adversity in his life»

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