Kirk Franklin criticized for not preaching in important event

Kirk Franklin was criticized for not ostentatiously preaching when he was called to perform at the BET Awards 2019, an award for black artists that has been held since 2001 and is produced by Black Entertainment Television. The categories of this award are music, acting, sports, among others.

This controversy arose after Kirk Franklin shared a video of a street preacher who approached and criticized him for allegedly not talking about the Gospel during his three-minute presentation at BET Awards 2019.


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Kirk Franklin shared the video almost four minutes after the rebuke made by the preacher in the city of Jacksonville, Flórida, when they crossed paths coincidentally on July 15.

“You has a lot of blood on your hands, sir!”. The preacher told Kirk Franklin when he criticized him for choosing to sing what he called lullabies to the world instead of calling them to repentance. “You didn’t stand up at the BET Awards and say ‘hey guys, Jesus is coming back soon and the Bible says in the book of Revelation that the blood will be up to the horse’s bridle because of the blood of the sinners and no one’s warning people. The Bible says your prophets were false because they did not warn you of the sin that leads you to calamity”, added the preacher, speaking to Kirk Franklin.

The American singer defended himself by asking: “Do you believe that I did not say that Jesus is the Lord in the BET award?”. According to The Christian Post, during the presentation of the song Love Theory, in collaboration with singers Erica Campbell, Kelly Price and Jonathan McReynolds, Franklin shared a brief message about his faith when he declared “brothers and sisters if you believe that Jesus is the light of the world, get up right now”.

“That’s not enough sir. The Bible says, ‘If I say to the wicked, you shall surely die and you don’t warn them, their blood is on your hands’. You got a lot of people at the BET Awards, you’ve got a lot of blood on your hands, sir! You’ve got a lot of blood on your hands. That’s what I’m here to tell you”.

After this great discussion where Kirk Franklin asked the preacher questions and the preacher responded saying that everything that Kirk Franklyn did was wrong, the singer decided to offer to sit down with the preacher and “break the bread” and end the discussion.

What do you think about this? Was the preacher’s approach to Kirk Franklin correct? Could Kirk Franklin have taken better advantage of his three minutes of participation in the program to talk about Christ? Leave us a comment.

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