Let’s sing to God with our disability, let’s sing to Him in our worst moments

I have had moments when I see many people with physical disabilities who are singing for the Lord, they serve God with love, as if they were well with their whole body. This is very good, when even our physical impediments do not stop us from praising God.

I have also met many who do not even thank God for the difficult times they have, do not sing, or praise God in their bad times and disabilities, but we must all thank God for everything. God is good.

Grace belongs to God. If you in your healthy life sang to God with all your heart, but that through the way you went through or are going through a health process that does not allow you to worship God as you did before getting sick, well, I want to tell you that sickness should not stop you from continuing to exalt God as you did before. Remember that the process and difficulty does not last forever, the Lord is with you as a powerful giant. Sing to Him, surrender your whole being before God.

Let’s give an example of a young man who started in music at age 18, he discovered this when he frequented a church that his family attended and realized that he had this talent for singing for God. This young man presented a disease called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). This disease caused him to be in a wheelchair, but the young man says that this disease does not stop him.

He also said that singing causes his soul to have relief and from his wheelchair glorifies the Lord. He has his own songs to the rhythm of melodic pop, here is a video of him:

So, let’s not stop at anything, let’s sing to God, He is our helper and sustenance, in the midst of difficulties we will receive strength to continue worshiping His Name.

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Now I sing because Christ lives in me, and I live because Christ lives in me