Let us rejoice oh righteous, let us rejoice for His holiness and His good wonders for each one of us. Let us praise the remembrance of His perfect and kind holiness that accompanies us day by day.
To Him we must seek daily and thank for what He has done and for the beauty of His perfect holiness, let us not praise His Name because we are here for His holiness. Remember that we must be holy because He is holy, just as His Word says.
We should rejoice and praise the remembrance of the Holiness of our God, as the following verse tells us:
Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.
Psalm 97:12
Let us praise His power, because His works are good and perfect.
Everything that exists must worship His holiness and the memory of His beautiful holiness, because God deserves to be worshiped by all His creation recognizing His power, His majesty and His beauty.
When we stand up to worship God, let’s do it with all the joy from the depths of our hearts. Let us be grateful for all the things God does with us.
Oh, bless you be my God, for the mercy that accompanies us to the side of Your holiness that is perfect, divine and powerful and that every day teaches us Your beauty through Your holiness, because You my God, you are holy for the centuries of the ages.
Let us learn well to be grateful to our God, do not doubt to be joyful in Him, let us rejoice in all His holiness. Let us be wise and bless the Name of our God in all its beauty of perfect and blessed holiness that surrounds us day by day.