Listen to the song “The old rugged cross” as jazz standard

“The old rugged cross” is one of the most beautiful hymns that can be heard, why? Because it speaks to us of the human incapacity to be able to be saved and of the power of the cross, that wood, in which we got salvation, because Christ shed His blood there for sinners like us.

The cross is the most transcendental fact in the history of humanity; neither the work of Michelangelo, nor the Titanic, the greatest artist, nor the tallest building or the most beautiful human work ever created, none of that compares to the cross, where our stains were washed away, where the Just delivered His life for sinners

So, next we want to share with you this beautiful Christian song, played as a jazz standard by Yvan Jacques, who is dedicated to uploading different jazz songs on his channel. We hope it can be a blessing to you and share this article on your social networks:

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