Listen to the song “Above All” in Hebrew, Arabic and English sung in Jerusalem

“Above all” is a beautiful Christian song written by Paul Baloche and Lenny LeBlanc in 1995 and has been performed by different singers including Michael W. Smith, Steve Green and Aline Barros. Without a doubt, this is an incredible song that tells us about the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is above all power and law, and over anything created.

Oh beloved brothers, nothing can be compared to our God over everything created, over everything beautiful, over the entire galaxy, since He and only He is powerful, great and majestic. Let us give glory to God, for Christ died for us, allowing himself to be trampled on to help us.

Perhaps you have already heard this song in English, but this time we want to share something different with you, and it is the song “above all” in Hebrew, Arabic and English sung in Jerusalem. We hope you find it a blessing and leave us in the comments what you think:


Listen to the song “I Surrender All” on tenor saxophone
Origin of the song "God is here"