We live in a time when God is doing a powerful work. You doubt it? I think there is no reason to doubt that, and one of those reasons is the one we’ll see in this article. This is Officer Mayo, who is a police officer in the state of Virginia, United States.
Officer Mayo has been trending in recent weeks, by a video where he is seen with an enormous passion for worshiping God, and according to what they say when he sings the whole environment becomes completely different.
The song he performs is “The best in me” by Marvin Sapp. Officer Mayo is also a music minister in the church where he congregates. This man takes worship of God quite seriously, since he is prepared to do it at any time, because sometimes he gets off work and quickly goes and worships God in the temple.
In times like these that we live, listening, seeing or being part of things like these, frees us from the stress of bad news about what is happening.
God bless May’s life, and may God raise up more worshipers in the midst of all this with the ability to praise Him at all times.