Watch this boy play the guitar in church

Everyone was surprised, with great joy and admiration when they saw and heard a child play the electric guitar during a worship service in a Christian church. This happened in 2016 and it is surprising to see how a child of such a young age can play the electric guitar so well, and this leads us to think how children can absorb good things easily if we teach them.

This video, which you will see at the end of this post, went viral, it already has more than two million views on the YouTube platform and to be honest, it will never cease to surprise us to see a child with so much talent and also think what we are doing with our little ones at church and personally at home. Are we teaching them to worship God with some instrument? Are we teaching them from the Word of God?

And thinking about all of the above, we want to share this video with you so that you can also be surprised at how great it is to see a child play a musical instrument in such a wonderful way:

Niño toca guitarra eléctrica en iglesia de manera impresionante

Listen to the song “What a great love” on accordion
An incorruptible inheritance reserved for you

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