Shocking last words of ex-Muslim before meeting the Lord

Nabeel Querishi is known worldwide for his testimony of conversion from Muslim to Christian. In his testimony he says that there was a point in his life, while he was a medical student, where he found no comfort in the Quran, and one day he put the Bible and the Quran side by side, and he says that he found no comfort in the Quran, rather, he saw it as a lifeless book. Instead, when he opened the Bible, he came to the passage that says, “blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4).

This man transformed by God had to live his last year of life battling cancer. His last words were incredible, as while he was in the hospital he spoke about how it is good to talk about certain truths of Christianity and Islam, but that this should be done under the lens of love.

He also spoke about how much of the information he had taught was used by some people to undermine each other, however, this was not his point, rather his teaching was always based on the fact that love must reign over everything. He said, “I hope that the legacy I have left behind is one of love, peace and truth.” Without a doubt, this man was a huge blessing to Christianity and its preaching among Muslims.

Nabeel Qureshi last words

Listen to this piano version of the hymn “At the Cross”
Pastor prays for saxophonist and the melody he plays will leave you speechless

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