God is good

The Bible declares in the book of Nahum 1:7: “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him..” An eternity would pass and we would still not finish telling or singing about all the goodness of our Lord, who has been more than good to us, yes, even without us deserving it.

Today we share with you a song that tells us about this: “God is good”. The song is a collaboration between Jorjvana and Treyci del Águila. They sing that tomorrow and night we will sing about how good God is. So we hope that this song is a great blessing to you and that you can share this post with more people. We also ask that you use the comments to give thanks for something that God has done for you: Click to listen to the song. 

Praise the Lord, the Almighty
Listen to the song “Nearer to Thee oh God” on violin

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