Choir of more than 40 people sings “Goodness of God”

“Fort Pitt Gospel Choir” is a Christian group that is dedicated to uploading to YouTube the hymns they sing in the congregation and as their name says, they are a group that sings gospel music. Do you know what gospel music is? This is rather a type of southern music, and this regardless of where people are, and it became popular in the 19th century through African-American evangelicals.

This choir not only sings in a formation of 4 or 5 people but they also have great videos where you can see up to 40 people formed singing a hymn, as is the case of the Christian hymn that we want to share with you today titled “Goodness of God.” Without musical instruments, only acapella, this 40-person choir exalts the name of God with their voices.

So below we share this valuable video, hoping that it will be a great blessing to you and leave us in the comments what you thought of it:

Coro de más de 40 personas canta “La bondad de Dios”

Take control of my life
Listen to this 1938 version of the song “When the Saints go Marching in”

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