Listen to the song “As The Deer” on trumpet

“As the Deer” is a beautiful Christian song based on Psalm 42 and it tells us about the need we have for God and how only upon Him can we throw ourselves completely, knowing that only God is our shield and strength and therefore who is He, we must worship Him and tell our entire being to praise God. Is not our God worthy of all praise? Praise God forever!

Part of its lyrics say: “As the Deer pants for the water, so my soul longs for You. Only You are the desire of my heart. And I long to adore you. Only You are my strength, my shield. Only to You can I give my spirit. Only You are the desire of my heart. And I long to worship you”.

Today we want to share with you this beautiful song as an instrumental only on trumpet by John D. Trumpeter, hoping that it will be a great blessing and that you can share it with many more people. To see it click on this link. 

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Listen to this ancient prayer sung in ancient Hebrew

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