Listen to this version of the Christian song “To Love Only You, O Lord”

“To Love Only You, O Lord” is a very popular Christian song that has been performed by Christian singers such as Stanislao Marino, Julissa, Luis Santiago, among others. This is a beautiful song that reminds us that God is deserving of all praise and that only his path should we follow.

“If by chance you ask me who I should follow, surely I will answer who if not Jesus”, this says part of this beautiful song. Let us remember that every man of God in the Bible denied the world and what it offers to please only God, in the same way today, we only seek to please the One who has loved us like no one else: Jesus.

Perhaps you have already heard the version of each of these Christian artists that we have mentioned and of many others, but today we want to share a version of the singer Ariel Coronel to the sound of guitars. After listening to this version, tell us in the comments what you think and share it with more people:

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