Listen to the song “What a Friend we have in Jesus” in Japanese

Oh, what a friend Christ is to us! He took our pain, and he commands us to take everything to God in prayer. Do you live weak and loaded with care and fear? To Jesus, eternal refuge, say everything in prayer. Thus begins the Christian hymn “What a friend.” A song that introduces us to Christ as our great faithful friend.

The hymn also tells us about how Christ died on the cross for us, suffering a great punishment while He was innocent, He bore our sins and the punishment that we should have suffered fell on Him. Oh, how glorious is our faithful friend Jesus, to Him be Glory and honor.

«Do you live weak and burdened with care and fear? To Jesus, eternal refuge, tell him everything in prayer. Let’s take our burden before God, He is powerful to help us and help us in those difficult moments in life. Next we want to share this beautiful song in the Japanese language, hoping that it will be a great blessing to you:

What a friend we have in Jesus japanese language

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