Girls play guitar and sing “Are you washed in the blood?”

“Are you washed in the blood?” is a beautiful Christian hymn that tells us about how our sins have been cleansed in the blood of Christ, thus giving us salvation and eternal life. The stain on our hearts has disappeared and that is why we can sing that we are clean in the blood of Christ Jesus.

“You are clean in the effective blood” says this hymn, why effective? Because the only blood that has been sufficient as a perfect sacrifice has been the blood of Christ on the cross. No sacrifice of those offered in the time of the law could save anyone, but the blood of Christ did.

We want to share with you this beautiful praise sung by two girls who, to the sound of the guitar, praise God with this beautiful song. Remember that you can support us by sharing our articles:

Eres limpio en la sangre - Guitarra

Listen to the song “Goodness of God” on acoustic guitar
"How Great Is Our God" Piano instrumental

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