Listen to the song “I Surrender All” on tenor saxophone

Our whole life should revolve around pleasing Christ, being faithful to him, just as the Christian song “I Surrender All” tells us: I only surrender to Christ, I want to be faithful. May that be our goal, to please the Lord, may every decision and aspect of our life be directed around that.

The Bible commands us to be like Christ as children that we are. We must not pursue being equal to the culture that surrounds us, to the world, or to anything like that, only to Christ we must give our whole heart and life.

This song has been interpreted by multiple singers in different languages, but today we are not sharing any of those, but a beautiful tenor saxophone instrumental, hoping that it will be a great blessing and delight to your ears:

Eu me rendo a Ele saxofone tenor

"How Great Is Our God" Piano instrumental
Listen to the song “Above All” in Hebrew, Arabic and English sung in Jerusalem

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