Dominican group enters the list of Christian songs on Billboard with “Hermoso momento”

Kairo Worship is a Dominican group that has managed to make one of their songs go viral on the Tiktok social network, achieving almost 3 million views and almost 400,000 “likes”. This success has been broadcast on YouTube, where the song “Beautiful moment” has more than three million views in just one month.

For the members of the group, Laurelys, Nathanael and Ariel, it is incredible where they are right now, since they have positioned their song “Hermoso momento” on the list of the 50 most listened to songs on Billboard, they are specifically in position 48. Ariel Holy, leader and bassist of the ministry expressed:

The most important thing about what is happening with us and the song is that Jesus is going viral, I think that’s the message. Regularly, we see viral things, secular songs, some gossip or things like that and we see that something Christian like a worship has gone viral, that gives us to understand that there is hope in this world, that there is hope that positive things can transcend like this.

Young Dominicans do not feel that this song has gone viral because of their talent, but because of what it brings from God, as they describe it, the essence of the song, which is what thousands of people identify with it.

Kario Worship feels that what is really going viral is Jesus and for them this is only the beginning of many hits, of songs supported by the Bible. Tell us in the comments if you have already listened to this song and what you think:

Kairo Worship - Hermoso momento

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