Listen to this version of the song “Because He lives” on piano

“Because He lives” is a beautiful Christian song that tells us about the death of Christ, thus being the key to our salvation. He freed us from the condemnation of hell by dying for our sins, and as the song says: “An empty grave is there to prove my savior lives”.

“Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone”. Oh beloved brothers, we know that with Christ the future belongs to Him and there is nothing to fear. Life is worth much more when Christ is our center. We are the most privileged human beings, because we serve the King of kings, who, despite the trials, keeps us firm.

Below we share a cover of the song “Because He lives” shared by Yohan Kim in a beautiful piano solo version. We hope that this cover will be a blessing to you and that you can share it with more people:

Porque Él vive en piano

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