Listen to the song “When The Saints Go Marching In” on giant piano

We have seen many unusual musical instruments and today we will see the giant electronic piano. It is such a large keyboard that it is placed on the floor and played with the feet. Several people can combine to play it:

Piano electrónico gigante

The keys that are pressed light up while they are being played and produce a very pleasant sound. Surely you have already seen one or another viral video of people playing a famous tune on this peculiar piano.

Next you will see four women playing the hymn “When The Saints Go Marching In”, which is a well-known Christian song that tells us about that day when we will march to the holy city, God’s heavenly homeland, where there will be no suffering, no pain, nor need for material and fleeting things like in this world.

The video was shared by Dario Lavesero’s YouTube channel, there you will find more songs with the giant piano and you will see shorts that he shares playing piano and guitar. Tell us in the comments if you have already seen a piano like this and what you think of this beautiful Christian hymn:

Cuando los santos marchen ya en piano gigante

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