A song that remembers us to praise His Name

Praising the name of God is the real purpose of every Christian on this earth. We were created to bless and glorify his name, to worship God with our actions and heart, and there is a Christian song by Marsha A. Livingston that reminds us that we were created for this.

The song is titled “Praise Him” and for about 4 minutes and a magnificent chorus of voices reminds us over and over again that we must worship the name of our God, that when we enter the house of God we must worship God by raising our hands and blessing His name.

Oh beloved brothers, it is so, let us enter the courts of our God with fresh praise on our lips, and not only in His temple, but in every place, at all times, let us give glory and honor the name of Him who is worthy for the centuries of the centuries.

Here we let you with the video of this beautiful song:

Listen to Psalm 104 in ancient Hebrew
Listen to the song “Because He Lives” in French

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