With praises and songs of gratitude, I will go before His presence

Let’s worship God because He is powerful and works wonders, He is invincible and the world has to bend their knees before Him to worship His name.

Sing to the Lord, glorify His glorious name, offer praises of gratitude because He is good, and because He has always been good to all His saints. Everyone who comes to Him enjoys the good things that God has to give us, so why not sing songs of praise to our God.

Go to His Holy presence with joy, with praise, pronounce His name, recognize that He alone has the power, all authority, and therefore all praise be given to our mighty God. Oh, all nations, all peoples, adore the name of God in the highest, announce the glory of God throughout the world, give a shout of joy for the exploits of God.

May each day overflow our hearts with good words for our God, because His presence brings us joy, peace every day, and His powerful works are evidence that His love is great over all His Creation.

Praise ye the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation.

Psalm 111:1

Can we say the same thing that this Psalm 111 tells us? Yes, of course, Hallelujah to our God, with all our hearts, together in harmony, let us praise the name of God, let us rejoice in His Holy Presence.

God is our God, only Him we must praise forever and ever, amen.

I will sing songs to my Lord, because He has made me know His justice
See how this cop exalts God in public

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