Pastor plays praises with saxophone for doctors and patients

God is doing a work in the lives of many people through the recent pandemic that is wreaking havoc around the world. God is doing something because there are many people who are understanding the need for a God, even, many presidents are taking seriously this to humble themselves before God so that the pandemic stops. The truth is that in the middle of all this disaster beautiful things also happen.

Something really beautiful happened in São Paulo, Brazil. A nurse of about 36 years of Christian faith invited a pastor named Kleber Ferraz, who gave a message of faith and played the saxophone in the hospital.

The lady who invited the pastor said in an interview that you can no longer go to church and she wanted to bring musicians to play in the hospital. She also expressed the uncertainty with which they work there, as different infected patients arrive and say: “Please, don’t let me die”.

The invited pastor used all the protective equipment to be able to play in that hospital. Without a doubt, that good gesture of going to play in a place where there is much despair was of impact.

Music will always be a means to bring peace to different places and more when it comes from someone who plays for our beloved Savior.

The pastor has also received invitations from other hospitals. Let’s just pray to God to protect this warrior who risks his life to bring peace to others and that God passes his hand through each hospital where there are infected.

Levando amor evangelizando através da música no hospital são Camilo enquanto íamos nos corredores as pessoas emocionadas saiam nos corredores e falamos do amor do Pai!!!! FaçamIssoMeus amigos músicos !!!!

Posted by Kleber Ferraz on Saturday, April 4, 2020


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