World champion Akos Vanek in his fight against COVID-19 hears God’s call

It is not a fight that he is infected by the coronavirus, but that this champion has given up his efforts for a good cause, which is to help fight the coronavirus, serving as a crew member of an ambulance in Budapest, which is in charge to transfer patients infected by the virus.

The name of this athlete is Akos Vanek, who was the winner of the Tiszaujvaros world cup and spent about 20 years practicing triathlon at a high level.

This man has made it clear that in the midst of all this he has felt the call of God. He even asked to be baptized on Easter, and for this he had to ask for a kit to protect himself during baptism.

What is this man doing to fight the coronavirus? He has teamed up with our medical heroes, transferring patients with the virus and testing.

Without a doubt this is a good initiative for a cause as humanitarian as this. On the other hand, a demonstration that God is doing a great work in many hearts these days. Pray for these people who risk their lives for others that God will take care of them.

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