I come to speak to you my Lord, I opened my heart to sing to You

Every day different things happen in the world we live, which cause us to fail before God and that is why we must be vigilant and pray to the God of heaven to protect us from everything that besieges us, and from the whole plan that the enemy has to destroy us.

It is good that we go with a willing heart before God, pleading before Him, asking for wisdom to face adversities. Let us praise His name because He is great and powerful, let us sing for His mighty works that He has done in us.

Let us surrender before God, let us only open our hearts so that He enters and restores our hearts, a God as great as He deserves all the glory and honor, all exaltation that comes out of our hearts and our mouths. God is great and powerful, His wonders are tremendous.

His wisdom teaches us every day, His power is protector of our lives, His mercy helps us, be the name of God praised for these His works that we can feel every day.

I bow to You my God, I know that you are a God who loves me and who guards me, thank you for Your great goodness, that heaven, earth and every human being glorify Your Name forever.

And he said, Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart:

1 Kings 8:23

These were words said by Solomon at the dedication of the temple, he was recognizing that there was no God like Him, neither in heaven nor on earth. God is great and strong, that’s why we must also recognize God, give praise only to Him, surrender with all our hearts.

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Come before His presence with joy and songs of the heart

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