Praise the Lord that His blessings surround you every day

Every day I will praise the Lord because His blessings help us day by day, because those blessings are good and they are so real that they abide in us.

Both material and spiritual blessings enrich us in such a good way that when those difficult times come, we can pass them without any problem, joyful and giving thanks to the Lord.

His blessings are as real as the air we breathe, each of the things that come from God are blessings, the trials are part of God’s plan and purpose, because these are not bad because they will help us trust God every day. Let’s sing to God for this wonderful fact and for His infinite love in our lives.

Be good or bad what God allows in our lives, let us give thanks because only He knows why He allows it, praise God even if it is the most difficult moment of your life, because the moment will come when you will laugh and shout with joy. That is why God teaches us about Him so that we can be happy at all times. Let us praise God, give thanks to Him for all things, let us not be sad but happy believing and singing of His wonderful works.

But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.

Job 2:10

There is no more tremendous example than that of Job when he was rich and healthy and then he was poor and sick, and he says: will we receive the good of God and will we not receive the evil? With this was seen the integrity of Job towards God. He did not care about goods and wealth, yet he praised God. Let us remember that from God we will always receive according to His purpose.

With my song I will praise God, my strength and shield
I will praise You forever

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