I will sing to the Lord with joy and gladness, because His mercy sustains me

It is from our God that our help comes, so only we should thank Him singing joyfully before Him, singing and worshiping His name with joy and with words of honor to exalt Him. If we live it is for Him, He is our refuge.

Let’s sing to God because where does that mercy come from but from Him? God is the only one who can sustain us with His goodness, and His joy reaches our lives in times of anguish and trial. So my heart will rejoice in His mercy day after day to Him I will give my best praise.

With a happy heart, with songs of joy I will say to God “how good is Your mercy and Your love, how good is it to dwell in Your Holy presence”. There is nothing better than being grateful before God who protects us and loves us with infinite love.

5 But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.

6 I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.

Psalm 13:5-6

How good when we trust in Your infinite mercy, in Your power and in Your powerful works in us. Oh Lord, Your goodness and Your mercy have said present in our lives, that is why with a humbled heart before You we proclaim that Your love, Your peace and Your mercy are great.

With our mouths we will sing praises to You, O King, we will do our best before You. You, O God, live and reign forever and forever we will live. Your mercy will sustain us. Let us be joyful every day, and may our praise to Almighty God not cease. Amen.

Without God we are nothing, and from Him comes mercy, that mercy and goodness that sustain us. Thanks be to God. He is with us.

I will praise Your name, oh God, because it is good
Is anyone distressed among you? Pray. Is any in good spirits? Sing praises

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