The glory of God will be manifested in us, and our mouths will sing praises

The Word of our Lord Jesus dwells in each one of us, they are wisdom to our hearts, and that fill us every day with blessings and knowledge so that we can be faithful to the call of the Most High God, by them we know that we must surrender before of God, giving glory and praise to the Lamb who was slain on Calvary for our sins, we all give praises of gratitude to God.

May our mouths always be full of praises for our great and sublime God, deserving of all glory and honor, He is God, our God who lives forever, He who teaches us, He who passes all understanding, be praise and empire for ever and ever. May our praise be continually in our mouths and hearts, day after day let us be pleasing before Him.

His glory will be manifested in our lives, our mouths will be full of praises to adore God who is the High and Sublime, we sing to God for this so wonderful fact, to be able to sing before His Presence, because this privilege of being children and heirs of the great promise. God dwells in the midst of His people, of the people who cry out to Him with praise from the heart.

Let’s see what the book of Colossians tells us about praising God:

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Colossians 3:16

After we have received His Word, let us also share with others, sing with spiritual hymns as this verse tells us. Let us give glory to one another. Let us teach others and give an example that Christ lives in our hearts, because His glory is with us. Let us all sing together in the Lord and so others will know of His glory and praises.

Sing to God, acclaim His Name
Praise and sing to God, for from Him comes our care

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