A true worshiper is more than a spectator

Upon entering the house of God, our purpose must be to glorify and exalt the name of the sovereign God, and we can do this through songs and praises that express gratitude for what He has done for us. Everything we have must be a point to exalt the name of God.

In the Bible there is a mandate for us to enter through the doors of the house of God:

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Psalm 100:4

It is obvious that we should not raise our hands for anything that is sung or said, but regardless of that, we must know well what our purpose is when entering the house of God.

There are people who are only waiting for what others will do at the time of service in the congregation, but they make a mistake, and they forget about the main thing that is to exalt the name of the Lord.

Oh brothers, we have more reasons to glorify the name of God. Let us not make of us people who are going to waste time on things that are not profitable to the temple, let us make time be worth doing what we really must do with great interest: Worship God.

Let us sing Psalm 84 in the midst of these difficult times
My heart and my flesh sing to the living God

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