My heart rejoices, with my song I will praise You

Our hearts must be joyful day-to-day in the Lord, not because we have received anything special from Him, but because His love and mercy accompany us throughout our walk, so give thanks and praise His name.

That is why with we must praise God with songs, with this we are being grateful before God, and also our hearts will feel more than joyful. We must fully trust our God because He does not fail.

The best we can have is His mercy more than all things, because by His mercy we are here before Him today, so we must praise and rejoice in Him with all that we have. God is powerful and will never leave us.

3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.

4 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.

Psalm 63:3-4

The writer of this psalm knew why He said these words, and it is that God’s mercies never go away, they are always with us, they are renewed day after day, they sustain us and help us understand the purpose of our powerful God.

Let us raise all our hands and praise the name of God who lives forever. Our God deserves that we praise and exalt His name, that with our lips we give songs of praise, that our hearts give words of honor and exaltation to God because there is no other like Him. God be blessed and praised forever.

Oh, all peoples, there is no other name to which we can worship, there is only one that is real, powerful and majestic, and we can contemplate His power around us. For this we give thanks and songs in His great and blessed name, God reigns forever for ever and ever.

Christian songs that were on the Billboard 2019 list
Exhortation to creation to praise God

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