A humble heart with praise directed to the Lord

Oh, Lord receive all the glory, honor and praise, to You I prostrate myself every day of my life, saying how good you are my God, in the morning I will sing only to You a new song, I will sing to You.

With a humble heart and prostrated before You I will sound trumpet to Your name, I will shout of Your great power and majesty because You are the God who lives and reigns forever.

With my song I will praise You, I will glorify You because You have been good and wonderful to me, because nobody is like You my God, great you are and worthy of being praised, that is why we prostrate ourselves and give praise to You alone.

To You, O Lord I will give my best, I will sing in Your precious name, I will make known in the nations Your great love and majesty, because there is no one like You, that is why everything that exists must sing to you.

My God, my God, with my hands and my voice I will invoke you day and night. Praising You I will rejoice and pronounce Your name.

Let them praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.


We should all prostrate ourselves and bless the name of God, as the previous verse says, where we see that only His Name is exalted. It is not another name, but the name of God powerful, that is why we praise the Lord, let us sing to God with joy, giving thanks for His great power and for His mercy that embraces us all the time.

That is why heaven and earth proclaim His glory, and that all created by God be united, exalting the name of the Lord. He is the one who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Praise the name of God. Amen.

Sing to God, sing psalms to His name
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