In the past few weeks there was much talk about the Christmas special of the company Portas dos fundos, where they present Jesus as gay. We saw many publications on the subject, even signatures were collected for the program to be retired from the platform, we also saw famous Christians asking us to cancel our Netflix accounts.
We also know that in Brazil even politicians asked that the film be removed and the petition was not granted. However, some sources say that recently the judge said that free expression has a limit, and issued a verdict that says Netflix should remove the show from the platform.
Netflix has not yet removed the film, since things like these take a while, that is, they are given a deadline to remove it.
For many this is a “victory”, but the question is: Is this really a victory? If we take it from the point of view that it will be eliminated yes, but if we take it from the point of view of everything that the company Portas dos Fundos achieved with this, no.
What has this company achieved with the movie? They managed to make their movie absolutely known throughout the world, since they made a lot of noise. In addition, although they won the hatred of many people, they also won the recognition of many others who hate Christianity.
We do not know how much money they earned with this, but the truth is that they achieved what they wanted: “to go viral.” Also, it is not the first time they make fun of Jesus. In 2018 they had also launched a Christmas special mocking Jesus entitled “The last hangover”. It consists of a parody of the movie “The hangover” where the apostles wake up and find Jesus nowhere and try to reconstruct the events of the Last Supper. This movie is still on Netflix and nobody has complained.
It only remains for us to ask for mercy for every human being in this world so that grace reaches them.