A Psalm to ask God for direction

We all have plans in life, but we don’t always make the right choice and this is because we are human beings and not gods. Starting from the point that we are people who make mistakes, it would be very good that before making our decisions, however simple they may seem, we seek an answer in God, because that way we will have a correct direction towards our plans.In the christianism there can be no pride in believing that we can solve everything by ourselves. Our greatest glory is to strip ourselves and put everything we are in God and His will.

The psalmist David was well aware about asking for God’s direction and that is why he said:

8 Good and upright is the Lord: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.

9 The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.

10 All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.

Psalm 25:8-10

We have enough to know that we are totally depraved and that God is good and upright, therefore, is it not better to let ourselves be advised by God Himself? And as the psalmist well describes it in verse nine: “and the meek will he teach his way”. This means that God is our guide, His Word is our help and that is why we must let the direction of all that we are be led by God who does not fail.

So, if you have plans or decisions to make, do not take them alone, go to your knees, ask God to give you the best answer for your need, in this way you will walk better.

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