Sing joyful to God

Why don’t we sing to God with joy if God is with us? If you are going to worship the name of Your creator, don’t you do it with good will, to let people who praise God understand that it is because He has always been good.

Let us praise God also because even though we are dejected, falling apart, we will not die because His grace and His power keep us and sustain us always.

If you will not give a voluntary worship to God, then do not do that sacrifice that will not please God. God deserves the best of all His creation, do everything with love for the glory of God.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

Psalm 100:1

The previous verse urges us to sing to God with great joy, all of us who are on earth are His creation, let us sing to Him with joy, do not sing just because someone tells us, that is not the attitude, what is the attitude actually? Do it well from the heart, a grateful heart that exalts God to give a good testimony of His real facts.

Sing to Him boldly, sing to the God who lives forever, willingly worship Him, because He is God, and without Him we would be nothing. In your difficulty just exalt your God and He will deliver you from all bitterness, beautify His throne with your praise, sing the greatness of His power and majesty with your joy , express how wonderful it is to speak of His Holy Name for the whole generation , and with your joy through you, those who have not known Him will know God and they will can also sing to God.

Praise the memory of God's holiness
Wait on God, my soul; because I still have to praise Him

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