Bless our God

Why not bless our God, if He has always been good to us, He is the one who created everything around us, His right hand sustains us.

He deserves everything from us, that He be exalted by all the ends of the earth, that we announce throughout the world of His great power and majesty, that He is God there is no other like Him.

Bless with songs of joy to our God because He lives and reigns forever, He dwells in the heavens, He is the lamb that was slain on the cross, and that day after day is attentive to His people, so my soul must give honor and glory.

May my song be a song of great joy, praising my God, that with my song I will show that God must be honored with my best praise.

Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord.

Psalm 134:1

By praising and singing to Him with joy we say that He produces that joy that runs through all of our interior.

Let’s not focus on the difficulty, just raise our hands and tell the Lord how important He is to us. God is above all the false gods who can do nothing. God is still God, He is real and we must give Him every good worship that comes from the soul, mind and heart.

We have such a great privilege that God did not see the fault we were going to commit, but God chose us and at the same time He had mercy on us, and that is why He is and has been kindly in great way with each one of the beings created by Him.

Praise God because His faithfulness is forever
We will sing and praise Your might

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