Praise the Lord, O my soul

Psalm 146 belongs to a series of five psalms known as “the Alleluia Psalms.” Throughout the book of Psalms we can read about victories, defeats, sins, doubts, affliction, war, enemies, downs and ups, etc. However, in this series of “hallelujah” psalms we only find praise to our God.The psalmist opens his song with the following words:

1 Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul.

2 While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.

Psalm 146:1-2

An order to our soul to praise God

This song begins directly with the word “praise,” which gives an exhortation to his own soul to praise God. He says: “Praise, O my soul, to the Lord.” This also invites us to understand that praise is something that must come out of our soul, which must flow from our spirit. Let us remember God corrected the people of Israel because their praise did not come from the heart, and here the psalmist is very clear that the praise that God accepts is that which comes from the heart.

While I live will I praise the Lord

Saying these words are not as simple as they seem. Will you praise the Lord while you live? This of praise God with our lives goes beyond words, it is to demonstrate with facts that we really praise the Lord, and the Psalmist is saying that he will praise the Lord continually, progressively, that he will always sing psalms before the Lord.

Will we really sing psalms before the Lord regardless of the circumstance we are going through? There is a story that can let us know how much it means to praise God with our lives and always keep praise in our mouths, and it is the story of John Huss, and this was a man who died at the stake (burned) because of the Gospel and it is said that while he was being burned he sang hymns to God and uttered the following words:

“By that Gospel I am here, and I am here with courage and joy, ready to suffer this death. What I taught with my mouth, I will now seal it with my blood”.

Praising God can involve many things dear brothers. Therefore, we urge you to always praise God, from the heart, to give us strength to praise Him at all times, as well as Huss, regardless of the most terrible circumstance of life.

Bless our God
Praise God

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