Praise God

Praising God is very important, since there is power hidden behind praise. On one occasion, while Paul and Silas were imprisoned, they prayed and sang hymns to God and the other prisoners heard them. Then came a great earthquake that shook that place and opened all the doors and the chains were released (Acts 16:25-26).

The above is a great example of the power behind the praise. Many times we go through difficulties and we don’t know what to do. When we are in the mud we turn to so many human strategies and the last thing we can think of is to praise God.

Praise is powerful, you must try it. Thanks to it we can achieve what we cannot humanly. When everything seems gray, there is where we should raise our hands to the Almighty so that He can listen to us. Are you crying? Praise. On trial? Praise. Are you suffering. Praise. If your praise comes out of the heart He will listen to it.

While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.

Psalm 146:1

But we should not praise Him only in hard times. Praise is for a lifetime. The first part of verse one of Psalm 146 tells us that we should praise God in life. It does not say in hard times. It must be in life, at all times, no matter if there is abundance or scarcity, health or illness, joy or sadness, praise must be continually in our mouth.

Part two of Psalm 146 verse one is just as important as part one, for it comes to give it strength, says “I will sing psalms while I have any being.” There is no deadline to stop singing praises to our God, as long as we have breath of life we should praise Him.

But it’s not just praising Him. It must be a sincere and genuine praise that comes out of our heart. We were created to praise Him from now until eternity and we must fulfill that role. Praise God.

Praise the Lord, O my soul
Bible verses about singing to God

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