Guardian of the Galaxy actor met his wife in the church

Chris Pratt is known to have performed films such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. But his achievements in the cinema are not the only thing that have given to talk about him, because the American actor actively and openly professes the Christian faith and has told his testimony in various places.

As if that were not enough, this actor not only follows Jesus Christ, but he married a wife who also professes the same faith, we are talking about Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger, daughter of former actor and now politician Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Chris Pratt met Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger in an evangelical church and asked her to marry when they had been dating for seven months. “We met in the church! Fate is a lot… Many connections, but that’s where we met” Chris Pratt said, according to Monet magazine. It is speculated that the meeting of Chris and Katherine may have occurred in one of the denominations he frequents, such as the Zoe or Hillsong church.

Testimony of Chris Pratt

As we said at the beginning of this article, Chris Pratt speaks openly of his faith in Jesus. He has told his fans that his relationship with God is what frees him from pride and even death.

“If the light from the reflector that is shining on you is brighter than the light that is inside you, it will kill you,” said the actor.

“You have to have a light to share. A light as bright as one of those lights. Then you can survive and save a little of yourself and not give up of everything” he added.

How good it is when an actor with that level of fame knows Christ, has a wife who also knows Christ, and always allows the light of Christ to shine on him so that the light of the world does not shine on him. Let us ask God that in the same way His light shines from within us to be a testimony to others.

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