Can a christian listen to secular music? Augustus Nicodemus replies

In an Instagram post, Augustus Nicodemus responds to one of the most popular questions regarding the subject of Christian and music: Can I listen to “worldly music”?

Augustus Nicodemus explains that before answering it is necessary to define first what is “worldly music”? If with the term “worldly music” we refer to the music made by a non-believer, then we must be coherent and not use anything done by non-believers: clothes, shoes, glasses, cars, etc. Nor could you eat in restaurants or buy a dog if the owner is unbeliever.

Nicodemus continues explaining: If we define “worldly music” as that music whose lyrics go against the values of God (betrayal, adultery, hatred, etc.), then we must consider a lot of “Christian music” that has serious doctrinal errors of the same mode. Heresy is a sin just like adultery.

He continues: If the “worldly music” refers to rhythm (rock, samba, hip hop, funk), there is another problem because there is no way to define a rhythm as “holy” and another as “mundane”. Then he tells us that he listens to songs made by non-believing artists that have good content. He says: “I know that everything that is good comes from God. Luiz Gonzaga has a lot of music that talks about things from the Northeast, without any malice, for example, ‘Asa Branca.’ More modernly, to give an example, John Mayer composed ‘Daughters’ which has many values close to Christians, Roberto Carlos in some songs is romantic without being malicious”.

In the end he concludes recommending us to choose well, then, in His Grace, God gave gifts and talents even to non-believers. What do you think about this topic? Leave us a comment.

Augustus Nicodemus - Puedo escuchar música secular

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