7 Christian songs that speak about the cross

If you are looking for Christian songs that speak of the cross, this is the article you are looking for. The cross reminds us of the suffering of Jesus, who being the son of God, died for us on the cross of Calvary.

Here are some Christian songs that speak about the cross of Christ and the sacrifice he made for each of us.

1- At the cross | Hillsong

This song speak about the cross of Jesus Christ, of how He found us, of how He looked for us. In the cross Jesus payed the price for us.

Part of this song says: “At the cross I bow my knee where your blood was shed for me. There’s no greater love than this. You have overcome the grave, your glory fills the highest place, what can separate me now”.

2. Jesus, thank you | Soreveign Grace

This songs speaks about how incomprehensible is the mistery of the cross, of how a perfect Holy chrushed His son, that song drank the bitter cup reserved for us

Part of this song says: “Your blood has washed away my sin, Jesus, thank you. The father’s wrath completely satisfied Jesus, thank you. Once your enemy now seated at your table Jesus, thank you”.

3-. At the cross | Chris Tomlin

The cross is the place where we have seen more love poured out. There is no other story in humanity, where we see a being who loves as much as our God. That is why we must surrender our lives before the cross of Christ.

This song says: “At the cross, at the cross I surrender my life, I’m awe of you, I’m awe of you. Where your love ran red and my sin washed white, I owe all to you, I owe all to you, Jesus”.

4 -Hallelujah For The Cross | Newsboys

This song of the group Newsboys too speak about the glorious that is the cross of Jesus.

A part of this song says: “Hallelujah for the war He fought” . It’s true, Jesus fought the battle that we could not fight and we give glory to God for that.

This songs too speaks that we could not do anything to be saved because our debt was too big, but our savior made a way to pay that price.

5-Mighty Cross | Elevation Worship

Jesus is the reason why we live, His blood shed on that cross, being God became man, He left His throne to live among us, to die among us, but the good news is that He also rose again.

Part of this song says: “Oh the cross of Jesus Christ He’s the reason I’m alive For His blood, has set me free It will never lose, its power for me!”. Yes, the cross of Jesus Christ have done too much for us, it is the reason why we are alive and it has power in our lives. Let us glorify God for that.

6-The Power Of The Cross | Kristyn Getty

Are you going through trials that are very difficult to bear? Christ died on the cross, that’s the good news, He won, so that He helps us in all our trials so that we can also win.

The song The power of the cross by Kristyn Getty says: “This the power of the cross, Christ became sin for us, took the blame bore the wrath we stand forgiven at the cross”. And it is not far from reality since Christ “his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24).

7- Forever | Kari Jobe

We would not have time to sing all about the cross, on what Jesus has done for us, giving us salvation and eternal life. Therefore, the cross must be our song forever, for what He has done for us.

This song begins with this lyrics: “The moon and stars they wept The morning sun was dead The Savior of the world was fallen His body on the cross His blood poured out for us The weight of every curse upon him”. That was an obscure and historical day, but at the same time a good day, sice all our sins was forgiven that day.

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