Spontaneous worship is what we need

Praise, without a doubt an extremely important part in any Christian service, since it is a moment to express through music our gratitude towards God, for what He has done for us, and this is something that we must do spontaneously, since we were created to worship God and that the great purpose of meeting is to give glory to God.

In some congregations it seems an endless battle to have to ask the brothers in the moment of praise to stand up to worship God, to raise their hands, to sing, to say glory to God, etc. Should this be so? Of course not, since if we meet is to worship God and we do not need to be pressured to do something that we are supposed to do out of gratitude.

The psalmist said:

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 100:4

A true worshiper enters through the doors of the house of the Lord with the mentality of praising God, thanking Him for the work that He continues to do in us, for His inexhaustible love, for His mercies, do not we have much so What to give thanks?

That is why we must create a worshiper mentality in the parishioners, to know that for that purpose we are going to the temple, and surely this way you will not have to tell anyone to stand or sing, because their mentality will be that of a true worshiper.

We need to be spontaneous worshipers, to recognize what we have been created for and to fill the throne of God with our praise.

7 Christian songs that speak about the cross
Quotes of Charles Spurgeon about worship

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