3 essential points that you should see when listening to Christian music

There are thousands of “Christian” artists, which make up a lot of songs and the local churches are those that try to reproduce many of those songs in their services, and this is not bad, but there are details that we must examine as a church before reproducing certain songs.

People mostly listen to a song because of how beautiful the piano sounds and the powerful sound of the drums, we find music so beautiful that we forget the essence of a Christian song. Therefore, we bring three points that we must verify before choosing a Christian song.

1- Is the song didactic?

All the psalms are didactic, they bring us a profound teaching on different subjects, on trials that the psalmist went through, moments of happiness, and we will see that each psalm throws us a great teaching. We can not sing something in the church that does not teach the listener, that does not edify, because everything that does not edify should not be part of the praises to the Lord in the temple.

I see many times how in churches they sing a hymn that does not show any kind of teaching and people sing it normally, regardless of the lyrics.

2- Is the song Biblical?

Many people wonder: Should the Christian singer know theology? To my opnion they must know theology, since the way in which we can know God is through the Scriptures, and the composers of Christian music should be concerned because their music is Biblical. There are many songs that take many parts of the Bible out of context, and we must take this very seriously.

3- Does the song glorify God?

The greatest purpose of Christian music should be to glorify God. If our music is Biblical, then we will understand the true purpose of Christian music, which is to glorify God. There are songs that do not even speak of Christ, there is music that is only to raise our own ego. The Psalmist David always glorified God through all the psalms.

We should not collect songs because of how beautiful the music sounds or because the artist is very well known. Whatever music we use in the church, let’s use it to glorify God.

That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

Ephesians 1:12

We were created to glorify the eternal God. Let’s glorify it with our music.

Trusting God in difficult times
The adoration of a true worshiper

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